Saturday, June 23, 2007


    Blog: 1

    “LifeCell” shows you the way to be “Forever Young”

    In this blog you will know the best way to keep you young and wrinkle free with the world’s the very best cream: LifeCell

    A discovery inspired by a Noble Prize winning science may lead to end a surgical face lifting in skin care science!

    Scientific evidence suggests comprehensive synergistic formula called “LIFECELL” including precursor to Nitric Oxide might eliminate the need for plastic surgery, Botox® injections and even lasers.

    o "Columbia University Trained Plastic Surgeon Discovers Revolutionary New Break through In Skin care Science That Makes Lines and Wrinkles Virtually Vanish before Your Very Eyes"

    • Dermatologists are hailing it as the most potent “needle free skin care treatment” available to science. Studies have shown it prevents "cell damage linked to facial ageing and wrinkles"

    • It's stunning "reverse the clock" effect on your face has to be seen to be believed and the best part is you'll see results in 60 seconds.

    Finally, “Youthful Looking Skin at any Age” isn’t just slogan! It's a promise backed by scientific proof!

    A single small container of LIFECELL:

    o Protects your skin from the future signs of aging.

    o Eliminates the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

    o Removes the appearance of unsightly "crow's feet".

    o Reduces the appearance of dark circles & puffiness around the eyes.

    Get LifeCell now.

    Think about it!

    This all makes LifeCell the world’s first ALL-IN-ONE Anti-Aging Treatment. It's a Fast-Acting Anti-Wrinkle-Cream, Firming-Cream, 24-Hour Moisturizer, Age-Spot Reducer, Corrective Under-Eye Treatment, Lip-Plumper and Makeup Base!

    All you need is this one wonderful topical treatment on your dresser for all purposes. You can practically throw away the others and just use LifeCell!

    Blog: 2

    Look “Forever Young and Wrinkle Free”!

    South Beach Skincare assures an

    “All in one” treatment!

    We look old because of wrinkles, lines, age-spots, skin blotchiness, loss of skin radiance, sagging skin, feather lips, under-eye puffiness, crow’s feet and our lip’s thinning. But, we wish to be young always and care not to become old due to biological reasons.

    There are hundreds of magazines and again nearly hundreds of ads appearing on anti wrinkle and anti aging creams.

    Almost all the ads claim at least a 50% reduction of the appearance of wrinkles!

    Dreams Never Come True!

    However, dreaming for a wrinkle free skin will never come true with all these anti aging creams.

    • You can not slather your face with 10 to 15 different creams at once, each tackling a different cause of facial-aging.

    • Otherwise, you need to buy a moisturizer, firming serum, under eye cream, anti-wrinkle cream, night cream, day cream, and age-spot reducer and so on.

    • Even then, they assure a chance to get cured and do not guarantee. Do you wish to apply daily all these creams during the rest of your life?

    You are lucky today!

    Among all these marketing hype, you are quite fortunate to find a solution in a single bottle, which addresses almost "all-tell-tale-signs" of this aging skin.

    There exists such a topical anti-aging and wrinkle free treatment. It’s called LifeCell brought by:

    In fact, scientists and doctors are astonished at just how fast and furiously Lifecell reduces the appearance of wrinkles, feather lips, blemishes, sagging skin, age spots and Crow’s feet.

    What your age is, the actual process of eliminating the appearance of this wrinkle and aging signs will start to occur within minutes of application of this Lifecell.


    Blog: 3

    Home remedies for your Puffy eyes!

    Why do you get puffy eyes?

    How Lifecell does guards you?

    Your beautiful eyes may swell due to various reasons among which the following are found to be significant.

    • Lots of things, including, water retention, can cause the skin around the eye area to swell and get puffy. Alcohol consumption and a diet high in salt also can cause water retention and increase the puffiness around the eyes.

    • Exposure to smoke, rubbing the eyes, allergies, dry air from heat or air-conditioning, allergic reactions to skin-care products, bad pollution days, and using irritating skin-care products around the eyes can all make the eye area swollen.

    • Another factor to consider is contact lenses, which can cause irritation and swelling of the eye, so be sure you are wearing the most comfortable type available for your vision correction.

    What are the Home Remedies?

    Preventing dryness around the eyes can also help reduce irritation and swelling that can cause a puffy appearance.

    • If you have time in the morning, place cool compresses on the eyes as low temperatures can make the skin contract.

    • Avoid alcohol, cut back on red meat and a high salt diet.
    • Eat plenty of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich food like Salmon and berries.

    • Dip a wash cloth in a bowl of cool, caffeinated coffee. Apply to the area, and leave on for ten minutes. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it draws water away.

    • Sit down, lean forward, and hold your face in your hands for a couple of minutes; the pressure will help you de-puff.

    Instead you can do the one that is the best.

    Discover how Hollywood Actors, Super Models, Celebrities and even European Royalty naturally use the easiest and most effective ways possible. It is “LifeCell

    LifeCell is a very good moisturizer. Use it to reduce the puffiness around your eyes.

    Use Life Cell because it has anti-inflammatory ingredients and anti-oxidants that help reduce sub-clinical inflammation, one of the big causes of puffy eyes.

    Keep the Life Cell in the refrigerator so it’s cool when you apply it in the morning. Apply Life Cell in the night before going to bed and in the morning before going to work.


    Blog: 4

    Look and feel youthful with radiant skin.

    Become a decade younger with “LifeCell”.

    South Beach Skincare guides you.

    If you are a woman who cares about great looks, you will find this information highly valuable. Just go to: and learn the simple way to get a special skin care in minutes!

    Your urgency understood!

    You are in an urge that you have only a few days left for your marriage or the day is very close for performing in an event. You will not have time for undergoing a skin care regimen for months to make the lines and wrinkles on your face to disappear.

    Dramatic result-Believe it!

    You need a quick solution to your skin softening and smoothening idea. After a long search in the skin care market, one could find the miraculous Lifecell in a bottle. However, you are lucky to find it here, the best short time responsive cream that makes you a dream girl.

    Viola! Pinch yourself to believe the dramatic results that you see in the mirror.

    Thanks to the trust worthy site that guided you:

    In a matter of a few minutes you will see a face lift. If it can do that in minutes for you, what might happen after a couple of months? Use Lifecell daily and get an exciting result. Feel like an angel.

    Minutes or Months- your choice!

    LifeCell is an "all-in-one cream" that reduces the appearances of wrinkles, lines, crow's feet, dark-circles, age-spots, puffy eyes, frown lines, sagging skin, and "feather" lips. There is nothing quite like it in the market for whatever amount of money.

    The science behind the miracle!

    It has anti oxidants, water binding agents, and anti irritants in the cream. A staggering amount of scientific research has proven without a doubt that these anti-aging ingredients are extremely beneficial to reduce the tell-tale signs of aging on our skin.

    Most of the anti-wrinkle creams do not lessen wrinkles or improve skin texture. However, LifeCell is the only skincare product that truly stands out.


    Blog: 5

    Look 10 Years Younger!

    By eating protein rich foods!

    Most people think that wrinkles are an inevitable part of getting old. This is not necessary so!

    One of the major reasons for wrinkles is low-grade cellular inflammation-caused by pollution, too much sun, poor nutrition and by-products of the body’s metabolism that destroy collagen. Collagen is the connective tissue that makes skin supple and elastic.

    Are they quick in response?

    Above all a quick responsive cream helping to improve this collagen is available plenty in “LifeCell”

    Improving your diet can prevent wrinkles and minimize the ones you already have. The key is to avoid inflammatory foods and to eat foods that block the inflammatory process.

    Vegetarian protein is good to skin!

    Protein is an essential component of repairing cells, including the collagen cells. Without enough protein, people quickly lose skin tone. The optimal amount is 65 grams each day for women and 80g for men.

    This is easily achievable by taking beans, pulses, grams as side dishes for your main foods. Taking Soya foods is a good choice for adding more vegetable proteins.

    For a quick and trustworthy response you need to know about Lifecell!

    Good vegetarian fatty acids!

    Grind up one tablespoon of flax seed, and sprinkle it on food, the best dietary source of EFAs.

    The dark, leafy greens, such as arugula, romaine, spinach and broccoli contain EFAs, carotenoids and other antioxidants that block inflammation.

    “LifeCell” helps you improve the protein contents quite naturally.

    Olive oil is rich in polyphenols; another type of antioxidant that blocks inflammation. You can cook with olive oil or use it to make salad dressings. “LifeCell” gets absorbed quickly and shows results in a few hours too!

    Berries that supports your youth!

    Fresh or frozen strawberries, raspberries, blue berries and blackberries are among the best sources of antho - cyanine, compounds that block enzymes that degrade collagen as well as other connective tissue.

    Visit: helps you to know more about getting a glowing skin in a short time!


    Blog: 6

    Let your face regain it’s bright and

    Youthful bloom!

    Just go to

    "I Wish My Skin Could Look And

    Feel Like This All the Time!"

    Well excitingly enough, now may be it can!

    Just go to to know more about it!

    As we age, our blood vessels and micro capillaries become damaged, clogging-up delivery of fresh nutrient filled blood to the surface of our skin.

    Blood was flowing like a raging river in our youth; but it moves more like a stagnant sludge now in the old age. Our skin starves for fresh nutrient-filled blood cells.

    Because of diminished blood flow and nutrition hunger, our skin tissues get damaged, loose their natural glow, end up with blotches, age-spots, wrinkles and start to "look old."

    Wouldn’t it be absolutely wonderful if we could dilate our capillaries to speedily transport more nutrient-filled blood cells to the surface of our skin?

    This gives you the healthy teenager "glow" we all desire.

    Just go to and know more about it!

    In 1998 three Nobel Prize winning scientists, Robert

    Furchgott, Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad discovered such a groundbreaking compound called Nitric Oxide that does just this.

    While the findings have astonished some scientists, they have opened the floodgates to unheard of possibilities for our skin care.

    Well Nitric Oxide helps dilate our capillaries and increases healthy blood circulation to our skin. The enhanced circulation helps bring with it a flood of nutrients saturating our malnourished skin with new life.

    A brilliant idea for a bright and glowing skin!

    But, Nitric Oxide cannot be given directly to our skin since it is a gas. Instead, it has to be produced on the surface of our skin through a naturally produced compound in our bodies called Dithiolane-3-Pentanoic Acid, we’ll call it D3PA. D3PA levels decrease as we age.

    However, worry not. A high concentration of D3PA is included in anti-aging LifeCell. A noted Yale University's Medical Doctor calls it a "wonder molecule" and an "unparalleled weapon in the battle against aging."

    Just go to and know more about it! You are sure to get a glowing skin again!

    Blog: 7

    “Be Royal” in skin care:

    LifeCell is loyal in skin care!

    Take home Lifecell! It is like taking a dermatologist to home! You need no prescription too!

    European Royal Family concurs with most Hollywood actresses in one way-using Lifecell for a wrinkle free glowing skin!

    Get introduced to Jennifer Hohenzollern, who is a part of the European Royal Family.

    Jennifer says on skincare:

    I am 50 years old. I care about my vanity just like everybody else does. Botox injections and plastic surgery give me the jitters. I just don't have the stomach to go through those kinds of invasive procedures.

    I've used some of the most expensive anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams from the top lines in the world. I've tried European and American anti-aging skincare products.

    And I have to say, LifeCell beats them all.

    I've had companies make "custom-formulations" for my skin. I've consulted with some of the best dermatologists in the world.

    I've tried alternative skin therapies. I've been to some of the top health spas in the world. I've pretty much tried everything out there!

    And I have to say, LifeCell beats them all.

    It is an awesome anti-aging product! Truly! I was so very relieved when my dermatologist recommended this product to me. You don't even need a prescription.

    For those of you who want serious anti-aging skincare, this is the product to use, bar none. It is a fact that this all-in-one cream diminishes the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, age-spots, under-eye dark circles and skin discoloration. It is never too late at any age!

    That's just so convenient. You can it in the morning and at night.

    If you know any woman who cares about her looks and would find this information valuable, just send them an email with this link:

    Columbia University Trained Plastic Surgeon Discovers

    Revolutionary New Breakthrough in Skincare Science That

    Makes Lines and Wrinkles Virtually Vanish before Your very Eyes!


    Blog: 8

    Idebenone -"super skin saving antioxidant"

    There is a new anti-wrinkle ingredient in the Battle against aging that has captured the imagination of the scientific community and news media across the country.

    It’s an angel called “Idebenone”!

    It boosts our body’s ability to produce collagen, elastin and other important skin molecules, helping our skin look young, healthy and wrinkle-free.

    "Most antioxidants do not have scientific data to back up their claims. But ability of Idebenone to protect cells and inhibit inflammation has been proven."

    Makes you forever Young!

    The Times of England in an article "Forever Young" said, dermatologists are hailing Idebenone as the most potent skincare antioxidant available. Studies have shown it prevents cell damage linked to ageing and wrinkles."

    Time Magazine in an article titled "The War on Wrinkles" highlighted Idebenone as a great weapon against fighting wrinkles.

    Idebenone has been formulated in full potency in LifeCell, so you can get all the benefits of Idebenone and have it work synergistically along with all the other anti-aging ingredients that LifeCell has in it.

    Increased cellular energy accelerates our body’s ability to reveal fresh new skin to the surface and speed-up removal of dead skin.

    Learn From The Media!

    • NBC News in a breaking news show on skin-aging called Idebenone a "super skin- saving antioxidant."

    • Fitness Magazine - "Idebenone, doesn't just prevent free radicals from ravaging skin—it reverses past damage, too...The Ingredient has been shown to restore cell vitality."

    • Time Magazine in "The War on Wrinkles" highlighted Idebenone as a great weapon against fighting wrinkles.

    • The Times (England' #1 Newspaper) in an article "Forever Young" said, "dermatologists are hailing it [Idebenone] as the most potent skin care antioxidant available. Studies have shown it prevents cell damage linked to ageing and wrinkles."

    • 7 News Boston in a news segment, "Wipe Away Wrinkles," called a cream containing Idebenone a "Dream Cream."

    LifeCell Has all the benefits of Idebenone incorporated to gain its claim as “All in one Beauty cream”!



    Skin Care by BOTOX or LIFECELL!

    Paralysis or beauty your choice!

    I want to talk about the best "wrinkle vanisher" known to science – Botox injections.

    Wrinkles vanished!

    Everyone is talking about Botox and how it makes wrinkles disappear. Without a doubt when used properly, Botox is one of the best cosmetic procedures.

    But, Botox decreases the ability to smile, frown or squint, there by preventing the appearance of lines and wrinkles caused by what is known as "dynamic" wrinkles, meaning, wrinkles caused by repeated facial expressions.

    Partial paralysis Caused!

    Doctors inject Botox directly into muscle to cause paralysis leading to wrinkle relaxation, a feat inciting famed NY Times columnist Maureen Dowd to assert it was creating a "generation of expressionless zombies."

    Are there non-injectable & safe alternatives to Botox?

    Scientists in Spain have discovered-

    A compound called Acetyl Hexapeptide-3.

    It offers the same results as Botox without needles or the risk of damage to the skin or facial muscles.

    In other words, many doctors believe, Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 has a similar mechanism of action as Botox, without the toxicity and costs.

    So, In Simple Terms What Exactly Does Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 Do?

    1. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 blocks the nerve signals that control the contraction of facial muscles. This produces a significant reduction in the appearance of both the depth and size of fine lines & wrinkles.

    2. Unlike Botox, Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 does not involve paralysis, toxins or side effects caused by leaked serum.

    3. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 is non-invasive and safe for use in all areas of the face and throat, unlike Botox, and provides continuous, cumulative effects, which can ultimately last longer than Botox.

    LIFECELL has incorporated the benefits of Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 - Ultimate Botox Alternative!

    This produces a significant reduction in the appearance of both the depth and size of fine lines & wrinkles. It is quick, safe, and easy!

    Non Expensive-You don't have to sell the farm to afford it, and women just love its 'softening effect' on the face.

    LifeCell is a 24-Hour Moisturizer, Natural Collagen Stimulator Micro lifter and Firmer, Reducer of Serious Dark Circles, Under-Eye Puffiness and Age Spots, Creator of Beautiful Eyes and Lips!

    All of this means your lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, skin discolorations, under eye puffiness and dark circles appear fainter and fainter! Just use LifeCell long enough, it is possible all these tell-tale signs will no longer even be visible.

    "Look As Young On The Outside As You Feel On The Inside!"


    Blog: 10



    He is Raj Bhayani, a medical doctor and a facial plastic surgeon who has been performing cosmetic surgery for many years.

    He endorses a special skin care cream making miracles!

    “I am excited to report to you that now many expensive Botox injection sessions and cosmetic surgeries can be either postponed or eliminated completely because of a brand new cosmeceutical that can postpone or even prevent the need for these invasive procedures in the first place.”

    “In all my many years of experience, I have never come across a product quite like this. It is called LifeCell, an all-natural approach to preventing the signs of aging by putting nature's most powerful nutrients to work for your skin.”

    In many cases this unique product can not only postpone, it can even eliminate the need for Botox injections or cosmetic surgery for many individuals whose only complaint is the appearance lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, age-spots, under-eye dark circles & puffiness and "feather" lips that adds years to their face.

    Like him, many other plastic surgeons and dermatologists recommend LifeCell to patients. So please, before you decide to visit a doctor or any other cosmetic surgeon, try this revolutionary cosmeceutical first.

    "Columbia University Trained Plastic Surgeon Discovers Revolutionary New Breakthrough in Skin care Science That Makes Lines And Wrinkles Virtually Vanish before Your Very Eyes"

    Dermatologists are hailing it as the most potent needle-free skin care treatment available to science. Studies have shown it prevents "cell damage linked to facial ageing and wrinkles"

    Endorsed by the former Director of Ford Models who represented Supermodels CLAUDIA SCHIFFER, HEIDI KLUM & EVA HERZIGOVA

    Finally, revealed - the amazing anti-aging skin care secret used by middle-aged fashion models who constantly get accused of being under-age!

    It's stunning "reverse the clock" effect on your face has to be seen to be believed... and the best part is... you'll see results in 60 seconds.

    LifeCell- A Promise Backed by Scientific Proof!


    Blog 11:

    Shine your skin like Tomatoes!


    Ever since Noble Prize winning scientist Dr. Linus Pauling proclaimed the wonders of Vitamin C, it has become one of the most widely used ingredients in anti-wrinkle and anti-aging creams.

    Do anti-aging skin care creams containing Vitamin C work?

    Both “yes and No” are the answers! On one hand, vitamin C does possess definite, scientifically validated merits for wrinkle reduction and skin rejuvenation. On the other hand, most anti-wrinkle vitamin C products do not work. And worse is that they may aggravate wrinkle formation.

    1. Collagen Synthesis:

    Applying vitamin C helps dramatically plump up thinning skin by increasing its production of new collagen. Just natural collagen gets deposited in an orderly fashion, bringing back with it your skin's softness, strength and elasticity rapidly. LifeCell does it correctly!

    2. Antioxidant:

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant, a substance that conquers free radicals causing damages to our cells and further accelerating the aging process. LifeCell acts so!

    3. Blood Capillary Strengthener:

    Vitamin C strengthens a blood capillary which means fewer broken capillaries are visible on your face. LifeCell does it!

    4. Enhances Skin Brightness:

    Application of Vitamin C helps regulate the production of dark color producing cells. This evens your skin tone and results in a dramatic improvement in skin radiance. LifeCell enhances Brightness!

    5. Prevents Trans epidermal Water Loss:

    Vitamin C helps reduce evaporative water loss from your skin, thus retaining moisture within the skin. LifeCell is a good moisturizer!

    What about others?

    All anti-aging cosmetic companies use the cheapest and least effective form called L-Absorbic Acid. The Vitamin C in this form when in contact with our skin may actually promote free-radical skin damage. It is very acidic and can cause severe skin irritation, swelling, redness and inflammation.

    Finally, scientists have discovered a way to join Vitamin C with palmitic acid – called Ascorbyl Palmitate.

    The True Beneficial Vitamin C is “Ascorbyl Palmitate”!

    For starters, Ascorbyl Palmitate is stable fat-soluble, and non-irritating. Unlike L-Ascorbic Acid, it can be mixed into creams and still keep its full potency for months and even years.

    Dermatologist-recommended LifeCell has anti-aging Ascorbyl Palmitate in full potency to work its magic on your skin and reverse the hand of time so you look much younger today than you did yesterday. Just Buy It Today!


    Blog: 12

    ALL IN ONE Beauty Cream: “LIFECELL”

    "Columbia University Trained Plastic Surgeon Discovers Revolutionary New Breakthrough in Skin care Science That Makes Lines And Wrinkles Virtually Vanish before Your Very Eyes".

    In 1998 three Nobel Prize winning scientists (Robert Furchgott, Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad) discovered a groundbreaking compound called Nitric Oxide.

    Nitric Oxide in LifeCell dilates our capillaries and increases healthy blood circulation to our skin. The enhanced circulation helps bring with it a flood of nutrients saturating our malnourished skin with new life. Our face ends up regaining its bright youthful glow!

    "I Know How A-List Hollywood Actors, Celebrities,
    Super-Models and Even European Royalty Use A Nobel Prize Winning Discovery To Keep Their Skin Looking Young, Beautiful, And Age-Free Without Cosmetic Injections Or Plastic Surgery!"

    What the eye sees is actually the shadow made by the wrinkle. When you apply a cream of LifeCell, Billions of Microscopic Three-Dimensional Crystals refract and so you can not see a wrinkle. This invisible effect will last until you wash your face and the cream is removed.

    LifeCell has all the following fantastic components in built in the cream to protect the skin and reverse the aging process.

    1. Dithiolane-3-Pentanic Acid - Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Oxidant!

    2. Idebenone - Super Anti-Oxidant!

    3. Vitamin C - A Double Edged Sword!

    4. The secret lies in a European discovery called Deanol!

    5. Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 - Ultimate Botox Alternative!

    Think about it: This all makes LifeCell the world’s first ALL-IN-ONE Anti-Aging Treatment.

    It's a Fast-Acting Anti-Wrinkle-Cream, Firming-Cream, 24-Hour Moisturizer, Age-Spot Reducer, Corrective Under-Eye Treatment, Lip-Plumper and Makeup Base!

    All you need is this one wonderful topical treatment on your dresser for all purposes. You can practically throw away the others and just use LifeCell!